Thursday, February 18, 2010

Silence is NOT always golden

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." -Martin Luther King, Jr.
There is more absolute truth in this sentence than nearly any other sentence (outside of the Bible itself) that I have ever read. I often repeat the statement "Knowledge is power." I honestly believe that when you learn as much as you can about something, it not only gives you a passion for it (which gives you the ability to defend your opinion) but it also gives you knowledge to make the right choice. That knowledge gives you power to speak the truth to others and to share what you know. Whether or not someone chooses to listen is purely their decision and their right to decide upon, but sharing the knowledge that you've acquired and hearing other people's point of views on a topic gives you even more knowledge and, thus, the power that goes along with it. I think that listening to a variety of people's opinions and forming your own opinion by reading and researching gives you a beautiful form of knowledge and empowers you.
With that being said, that knowledge does you no good unless you stand up for what you believe in. I have made the mistake too many times in my past of not standing in the gap for those that I love. I have stood by and watched people step on those I love out of fear but God has truly transformed my heart and given me strength. Silence is not golden when it involves hurting someone that you love by not standing in the gap for them when they are weak.
In closing today, I want to say the following....I believe that the "fundamental transformation of America" that our current President speaks of is a scary transition that we should all be cautious of. I, personally, want no place in Socialism or the Progressive movement and the direction this nation is going steers closer to these things daily. Educate yourself on the Progressive movement. Don't let your representatives and senators speak for have a voice, use it. Stand up for what you believe in. Educate yourself on what is going on in this nation so history doesn't repeat itself. One voice in a million doesn't make a loud noise but when we, as Americans, stand together, we bridge the gap and we can take back our nation from the big government.

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