Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Once again, the Lord provides me a huge surprise that blew me out of the water. After months of dealing with issues with the admin staff (and principal) at the kids' school, I basically threw my hands up. I was done dealing with them on all accounts and ready to transfer the kids for the next school year. I handed it up to God to help us get through the rest of the school year and we'd handle what happened after that.
Out of the blue, today, I received a phone call from the principal himself. It turned out that he was apologizing for everything that had gone on in the past months and for getting off on the wrong foot, so to speak. I was blown away. I hadn't made a snap judgement about this man but his sincere apology changed my entire outlook on him. It made me rethink my dislike of him and view him in a positive light. It definitely made getting through the remainder of this school year a much more positive experience, for sure.
A couple of things came to my mind and my heart in dealing with this. ....
#1-While I don't believe that people necessarily change to their core, at least not very often, I do believe that people can change their habits.
#2-A sincere apology can change the course of even the toughest events.
#3-God will sometimes provide you a little something just to tide you over when you're dealing with alot.
#4-God provides you with opportunities to form new opinions and views and when He gives those opportunities, you should consider strongly before counting them out.
#5-God often works the best when you let go and let Him do his job.

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