Sunday, April 18, 2010

How much is too much?

One of my goals for the year was to weed the people and things out of my life that cause chaos and grief. I literally disciplined myself to prayerfully look at each and every person and thing in my life, no matter how big or small my contact with them was, and to question everything and everyone. I questioned whether or not they were helpful, harmful or neutral. If they were neutral, I tried to push a step further and see if I could either make them a friend or see that it was not meant to be. If they were harmful, I respectfully but firmly ended the relationship leaving an open door if the drama ever stopped. Alot of these were relatively easy and I could see the harm overtaking the positive. Some of these relationships, however, were and continue to be extremely difficult to let go of. My question becomes this: How much is too much to allow in your life?
The Bible is hard to read on this. It says in no uncertain terms in the Bible to avoid constantly being in the company of fools. It says in no uncertain terms that you should guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. Then, other verses point out that if your enemy strikes you on one cheek, you should turn the other and let them strike it as well. It points out that it is not the well that need the doctor but the sick. It points out that forgiveness is of the utmost importance. So how much is too much to let a person continue to hurt you?
My conclusions are relatively simple.....
*Forgiveness does not mean re-inviting that person into your life. Prayer leads the way in someone that has hurt you. Anger and un-forgiveness in your heart leads to a festering boil on your heart. It's what you have to live with. Search the motives of the person you are forgiving and then search your own. Sometimes patience and perseverance are going to be keys.
*Though you should always be seeking to share God's Word with people, there should be a stable support system in your life that is NOT made up of a bunch of idiots. There should be people there that will listen, give sound advice and support you in your decision.
*The turn the other cheek advice is only listed for your enemy and enemy is a strong word meaning "adversary." There are not many in most people's lives that are actual enemies. I believe that this refers more to overcoming what the enemy throws at you and letting them know that you have God on your side and you're NOT backing down. Instead of using anger and violence, you should use peace.
*When all else fails and you can't figure out what you should do based on differing verses in the Bible, prayer will always give you the answer. God sees the whole picture and He will provide whatever the circumstances. He is the maker of all things.
So how much is too much? It's a matter of circumstance, I think.

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